My dream turned into reality.

The most wonderful thing happened to me I myself never thought that I would be able to accomplished what I have accomplished so far.I went to high school but I never finished it because I also wanted to fit into a this group of students at school and that was how I lost track of my school work .I started bunking school started smoking with my friends and started losing interest in my school work.I started doing my own thing and just did all kind of bad things and dropped out of school when I was in grade 10. Got involved in an abusive relationship had my first-born when I was only 18 years old and had my other baby boy when I was 22 years old but despite of all of that I love both my boys unconditionally.I then started working in factory shops and didn’t really like what I was doing.Then I started working at Rlabs the most amazing place to be I met this wonderful couple here at Rlabs Mr and Mrs Parker and they gave me this wonderful opportunity to do my matric.We started studying in February and then  wrote our final exams in May  I told myself that I wont be able to do this.But my God is so faithful and so amazing when I called for my matric results yesterday I passed and I still can’t believe it this is really a dream come true for me and im just enjoying my journey that God has placed me on.

Achieving my dreams

It has been two amazing years for me here at Rlabs.I never though in my wildest dreams that I will one day achieve make it to where I am today and its all thanks to a wonderful organisation called Rlabs.I never knew that

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something like this exist  but then one day someone told my mommy in church about Rlabs and my mom said that I should apply for the classes that they offer.

At firs I told her I don’t know anything about computers and Social Media but she told me just go and register and see what it’s all about,I then came and register for the classes and the day when I arrived here I told myself I don’t belong here but after a few weeks of coming to the classes I could see that the Rlabs crew don’t look at what your circumstances is they except you for who you are and that is why I can say today that I have learned a lot from them.

I was so privileged to do my matric all thanks to a wonderful inspiring couple  called Mr and Mrs Parker and im so grateful for everything they have done for me so far I don’t know where I would have been if it wasnt for Rlabs and the people at Rlabs. And from now on im just focusing on the positive and being able to achieve my dreams.

Yesterday ,Today,tomorrow.

There are two days in every week which we should not worry about. Two days which should be kept free from fear and apprehension.One of these days is yesterday with its mistakes and cares,Its faults band blunders,Its aches and pains.Yesterday has passed forever beyond your control.

All the money in the world cannot bring back yesterday.We cannot undo a single  act we performed.We cannot erase a single word we said.Yesterday is gone.

The other day we should not worry about is tomorrow.With its possible adversities ,Its burdens,Its large promise and poor performance.Tomorrow is also beyond immediate control.Tomorrow’s sun will rise,either in splendor or behind a mask of clouds,but, it will rise, Until it does ,we have no stake in tomorrow,for it is yet unborn.

This just leaves only one day….Today.Any person can fight the battles of just one day.It is only when you and I add burdens of those two awful eternity’s -yesterday and tomorrow that we break down.It is not the remorse or bitterness for something which happened yesterday and the dread of what tomorrow may bring.Its all about starting a new beginning Today and it all starts with you.

My new expirience here at Rlabs

The new year has begun and I am still excited about everything that’s happening and changing in my life.I never in my mildest dreams thought I would be part of such an amazing group of people who can change you life in an instant.I’m so honored of all the opportunities  being offered  here at

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. I never had the opportunity to finish my matric, but im getting to opportunity to finish it now all thanks to all the  amazing people here at Rlabs, for me its a real privilege just to be part of this movement  and the creativity  that happening in this space .I’m so excited for all the amazing things that’s  still go to be unfolded in 2012.Just being able to be part of this movement makes you look at life differently im only  talking from experience because I experienced all this wonderful things here at Rlabs, am so looking forward to start with the Moms 5.0 Social Media classes  in Feb its going to be an adventure for me to give back to the community what I’ve been though here at Rlabs.

Grow Academy Courses

My  highlite of the week  at the Grow Academy Bootcamp

Toady was the best day of my week, I never liked blogging this much but seeing all the tools it has to offer it has made me more excited and look at blogging more diiferently.

And yes WordPress is the coolest app to use its awesome.

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