My dream turned into reality.

The most wonderful thing happened to me I myself never thought that I would be able to accomplished what I have accomplished so far.I went to high school but I never finished it because I also wanted to fit into a this group of students at school and that was how I lost track of my school work .I started bunking school started smoking with my friends and started losing interest in my school work.I started doing my own thing and just did all kind of bad things and dropped out of school when I was in grade 10. Got involved in an abusive relationship had my first-born when I was only 18 years old and had my other baby boy when I was 22 years old but despite of all of that I love both my boys unconditionally.I then started working in factory shops and didn’t really like what I was doing.Then I started working at Rlabs the most amazing place to be I met this wonderful couple here at Rlabs Mr and Mrs Parker and they gave me this wonderful opportunity to do my matric.We started studying in February and then  wrote our final exams in May  I told myself that I wont be able to do this.But my God is so faithful and so amazing when I called for my matric results yesterday I passed and I still can’t believe it this is really a dream come true for me and im just enjoying my journey that God has placed me on.

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